FTC politics

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Is the FTC making a political statement by trying to regulate the internet and hold internet advertisers to a different standard than broadcast television and cable providers.

We must apply equal protection under the law, it is after all the law or is that just an in-convenient truth that no one wants to talk about it appears that this administration has no real understanding of how our legal system works because they apparently have to be constantly reminded in court.

We have seen states rights challenged, and defeated.

They tried it in Arizona, they failed.

They are trying it in Wisconsin, and they will fail…

It is time to stop this unfair use of government to attempt to control every aspect of the lives of all Americans.

If you apply one set of rules to the internet and a separate, set of rules for broadcast television then you create unequal application of the law, which means that eventually you will end up in court attempting to argue, against the constitution.

Is this an attempt to institute the fairness doctrine all over again?

It failed back when they tried it in the past.

It has failed on every occasion, yet, they still try to push it out of the way, yet failure is the only future for this type of ignorance.

Make a statement about why using the FTC to engage in politics is wrong and it is not constitutional.

Tell the FTC to stay out of politics and focus on doing its job which is something that anyone can see is allegedly not happening.