Tag: Employment Numbers

  • Papa Johns to Layoff employees

    In what appears to be yet another large company there are more layoffs that will certainly add to the unemployment rate with thousands and thousands of new unemployed Americans it is beginning to look like perhaps Mitt Romney was indeed right about the state of the economy. So, if the President is really going to…

  • Fox news gets it wrong?

    Is Fox news a problem or are they just biased like all the others so called Journalistic media of the future? The question is a valid one, is it fair and balanced or is it just a particular viewpoint? I suppose if not for Fox news there would be no real news at all (allegedly)…

  • Reporting Bias?

    Is Fox News fair? Fair and Balanced or just allegedly Biased, is fox news really as fair as they say they are? Just what is reporting bias? Is it not reporting the full facts, or what some might call lies of omission, an example would be the following you buy a used car at the…