Tag: Election Fund

  • election in NY

    RINO means Republican in Name Only So what is up with all the fake conservatives… Fake Canidates, Fake Conservatives, Fake Elections what is next a Fake Washington? From an email just received, people this is important and we must answer the challenge of what it means to be an American. We’ve got a lot of…

  • Come November we will remember.

    They have thought to enslave the people with taxes. They have thought to emulate a failed health care system, even after seeing Canada and Europe in Turmoil. With little or no real health care provided. They have thought to do great things, but they are only human as human as any others that have tried…

  • Just Say no, no more lies…

    This just in, folks, they have lied to you, they have laughed at you, they have insulted your intelligence, they have disrespected you, now it is time to remember, now it is time to get rid of those alleged buffoons in Washington. Just say no more lies, America was founded on courage and strength of…