Tag: Election Cycle

  • election 2012 vote them out

    The people in Washington think that people will forget, that we will just allow them to do what ever they want, that they have no fear of us, but they are wrong, this government is by the people for the people, congress has forgotten that, and this past election cycle was a reminder, however, apparently…

  • Voter Fraud?

    If you are sick and tired of all the liars out there, then you need to get out and vote those jack wagons out of office. Liars and cheaters, what is wrong with this picture. Cheaters, in America? No one likes a cheater because for the most part in America we are trained from an…

  • Fox news distorting the news?

    Is fox news distorting the news? Just have to ask, because we keep seeing all this negative talk and use of buzz words. So what is going on with Fox, why are they playing games with words, because it seems as if this is just stupid crap. We keep seeing, the use of the word…