Tag: Chickens

  • Fast and Furious backfired?

    What should we learn from mistakes we make?   Should Eric Holder be held responsible for the deaths of citizens and border patrol agents that may have been killed because of this issue. More calls for Eric Holder to resign amid allegations that he may have willfully lied to congress. Considering the mountain of evidence…

  • want to get the economy going, bush tax cuts

    Come November, We will Remember TAX TAX TAX man it is always about the TAX> ,  you have the TAX, then you have the TAX TAX< then you have the TAX, TAX, upon the TAX, then you have the property TAX which you paid when you bought the land and the house you live in.…

  • Rand Paul Wins Huge victory

    The Tea Party is beginning to pick up speed, regardless of what the liberal biased media have said, This is a big deal, this is a referendum on the Liberal, agenda, Even republicans are not safe… We are not going to put up with politics as usual, were sick of it, watch as both democrats…