Tag: Blago

  • Blago gets life?

    A Second headline could also read, White man convicted of crime  when others who have also done the same crimes as blago get off free.   In a second trial, allegedly if they dont get you the first time they go after you until you cant afford to get good lawyers, if true, are we…

  • Blago on Trial

    How much money has been spent on this case? How much more money will be spent, salaries, of Judges, court officials, Lawyers, and more, not to mention the cost of utilities, and many other hidden expenses, yet, for what reason are the Tax payers, involved in this issue. Our nation is facing natural disaster after…

  • Blago who is right?

    Is Blago innocent of the Rabid, liberals charges? Should A mans EGO be more important than the truth and justice? could he be right, could he really be innocent? or Should tax payers have to pay the blago retrial. Will the tax payers of Illinois want to pay out millions and millions of dollars that…

  • historic blago speech

    It seems that some people were wrong, it seems that some people might not be compellingly right either. This notion of convicting a man in the media, is not really right but people like Shep Smith who made fun of just about anyone that he did not like personally or privately, and allegedly. Well remember…

  • Blago trial how much more money will they spend

    How much money has the state of Illinois had to spend so far, to prove that Blago is a Liar? You know this is getting really stupid, and the tax payers are getting tired of all this trash rumors abound that they want to make an example out of blago and that they dont care…

  • Blago, is it fair?

    Will they send Blago to jail? And if they do is it not time to start on all the other crooks in Washington? You see all the hype, mostly created by the media, but in reality has he done anything that other politicians, don’t do every single day? it is bad yes, but it is…

  • News media biased on sestak

    So will this company be able to intimidate, the public, or will they allegedly be sued, who knows.. It is alleged that even fox news is not really covering this entire story, but one thing for sure this is not going away, why? Simple, it is called, BLAGO… Right now, the most transparent administration ever,…

  • Blago trial begins

    Why do Democrats do this stuff, because it just seems well, crazy, to go after blago when they have people in the white house that are just as allegedly “guilty” as blago… Chicago politics as usual, this is really what this is about, I believe that blago, may be an average politician, with a foul…