Tag: Affordable Health Care
where is the Affordable Care Act…
Health care, has been and will continue to be a topic that is debated and argued for years to come however the truth about the affordable health care act is that it is really difficult to find. Have you seen it? Because we would like to find it and help out a few people…
Health Care Reality
The truth about health care is that it is becoming invisible… In many places it does not exist at all. You may be thinking that it is impossible because you see the signs for Hospital but in reality many of the providers that once were the stalwarts of the system have left and moved to…
Anti American Anti Gun Anti Congress
Where does it stop no one knows. It used to be that in the days of American Greatness we were a proud people that might boast that we lived in the greatest nation. This was once a great nation and a great place to live but that is changing because we have a few…