El Paso Shooting suspect hispanic male

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As many as 18 are reported as dead in a horrific mass casualty event described by the media as perpetrated by Patrick Crusius, 21 year old HISPANIC MALE. However, in a strange turn of events it appears that the media have decided to shift the facts of this story in favor of creating an agenda driven false news or “fake news” story by stating that Patrick Crusius, 21 is a white male? When clearly he is hispanic by surname and by just looking at him you can see he is hispanic.

Before saying anything at all concerning political news the media should acknowledge that it is a tragedy and a horror to see that so many people have suffered the loss of life and the grief of loved ones as well as the many that have been severely wounded foremost the thoughts and prayers for those who have been impacted in ways that will never be fully appreciated by the media.

Why the media falsely reported and focused on the color of his skin?

You can clearly identify this man as hispanic and that is not difficult to do at all. Yet the victims and the suffering of family members are disregarded by the media in favor of political considerations.

There will be more information that comes out including the reality of what the media have done here in intentionally lying to the public regarding the heritage of the suspect.

The important thing here is going to be the investigation of who this man is and what events led up to this terrible loss of life…

One thing is clear that yet again we have a situation where a lack of security was the primary issue! The reason these things do not happen in areas that are well protected by armed security is that criminals that choose to do these things choose a target based on the likely outcome. Simply put when you have enough armed security these criminals often choose other locations. This is the real issue. . .