The media are playing both ends against the middle with a new (FEAR) Mongering story that can be seen as the lie it is by just looking at the data or in this case the lack of important details that the media have left out of the fearful news story.
Be Afraid… Stay inside… Do not vote in November…
wikipedia LOL, sorry this is just funny…
Fearmongering – whether justified or not – can sometimes elicit a societal response called Chicken Little syndrome, described as “inferring catastrophic conclusions possibly resulting in paralysis”. It has also been defined as “a sense of despair or passivity which blocks the audience from actions”.
The media are reporting that there is a “Second” wave of the coronavirus… or corona virus…
But is this really true or is the media attempting to suppress the voting in the very important 2020 election.
One very suspect media outlet in Mississippi reports that total cases are on the rise…
Be afraid people of Mississippi…
Be very afraid do not go out and vote….
Or perhaps not…
What the lying dishonest media are leaving out is that the total cases are being reported including those cases where the patient has already recovered from the virus.
No way are you saying that the media are intentionally obscuring the truth in order to suppress the voting in the 2020 presidential election?
The answer is YES!
That is exactly what they are doing and it is wrong in so many ways.
But still they are now pushing for a second lockdown….
Yes and to realize the truth here will be a push to allow mail in voting…
Watch it because that will be the next big thing.
Nancy P will come out and demand mail in voting which is the only way that democrats can win an election.
The truth is clear the media are lying about everything. . .
Do not fall for the media lies..
They are not on your side.
Is it possible that the media hate you?