Category: distust

  • Fools in Congress

    We know there are some older members of congress that really just should retire and enjoy those Golden Years.  Harry Reid is one of those members that just seems to have no idea about what he is doing.  Trust me, I am a Brain Damaged, person with a Traumatic Brain Injury and I have better…

  • What if Snowden were Black?

     Imagine for a moment if Snowden were a Black man? Would the media be as interested in this story? We would like to think so… But would we even be reading this news story right now? The idea that the media would not be as interested in this news story if the person were of…

  • Media Bias

    The Media does not like the tea party, no surprise there as it has long been established that the media is not really that impartial in its reporting of the news, however it begs the question that should be something everyone is talking about, which is how can the media only present one side of…

  • Fox news gets it wrong?

    Is Fox news a problem or are they just biased like all the others so called Journalistic media of the future? The question is a valid one, is it fair and balanced or is it just a particular viewpoint? I suppose if not for Fox news there would be no real news at all (allegedly)…

  • voter fraud in Wisconsin?

    Special interest sponsored voter fraud and intimidation? Questionable ballots, voters that have been dead for more than a year voting? Really that is how they want to do this, that is what they want to leave behind to their children? Was it possible, perhaps even likely with reports that there were more absentee ballots allegedly…

  • When Angels lay dead

    This Saturday a tragedy occurred that is beyond imagination, while the death of a young girl who was an Angel to her parents and family, the media was obsessing about motives, even the president made a statement that was inappropriate, when he made a statement about “free society” that was a political motivated statement, in…

  • Body Scans is it crossing the line?

    The real reason behind this could be something nasty, but likely it is about power and how to irritate the American public, (allegedly) To hear accounts of some people when you decide to opt out, right away the Agencia of the TSA begin to Yell and in some cases Yell, (many say this is done…

  • Fire in Tennessee

    Just a reminder, this is the worst place in the entire united states to live, one where you dont want to be… If this is the way that people in Tennessee, are, I sure dont want to live there, but to be fair, I really do not think that people in this state are like…