Category: Casey Anthony
Kathy Griffin Treason?
Has Kathy Griffin committed treason? I suspect that if this were done when Obama was in office and if this were done by someone that was not a liberal, then there would have been really bad things happening. But can the American People allow this Hanoi Jane incident to pass? “Hanoi Jane” Fonda after “aiding…
Casey Anthony Trial
Back in 2008 when the world first learned (allegedly) about this case, everyone had different opinions, about who was responsible, sadly we still do not know the entire truth, we know likely that some kind of accident was probably the result of a careless mother, who would rather be partying, than taking care of her…
The Casey defense
Eventually you know that they are going to start talking about this girl being allegedly crazy, I mean you see her, bop in the court room and everybody just allegedly hates the girl, from the media to probably everyone on the jury as well as the judge, you watch the judge rule on every objection…
judge jenny?
Should people be making comments about an ongoing murder case where the opinion of the public could be influenced? Should fox news be doing this? They talk about reading body language, and getting all these personal opinions from these talking heads that frankly are obnoxious at best and at worse they are just play…