Casey Anthony Trial

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Back in 2008 when the world first learned (allegedly) about this case, everyone had different opinions, about who was responsible, sadly we still do not know the entire truth, we know likely that some kind of accident was probably the result of a careless mother, who would rather be partying, than taking care of her child.

We know that someone with enough knowledge to leave no DNA and no evidence disposed of the body.

We know that Casey was not the person that disposed of the body simply because it takes skill to leave no evidence behind and this girl, Casey Anthony did not have those skills.  This family allegedly is a seriously dysfunctional family unit, and they went out in front of the world and asked for help in finding a child that allegedly they may have known was already dead.

Now think about that for a moment before you judge.

What ever happened, the likely hood that this family all knew about it, is something you cannot discount.

Everything that we saw play out, may have been planed, years ago, by this family, (allegedly) they could have planned the entire thing from start to finish, diabolical, yes, impossible no.

Had this family come out and told the truth instead of allegedly engaging in a cover and manipulation, of the legal system, none of this would have ever happened. 

However, the state of Florida is to blame here, at least in part because they wanted to cross the line and make this a death case the problem was that they had no evidence, allegedly because someone with enough skill disposed of the body and left no traces behind, (none) think about that.

The sad truth here is that we have a mother that did not have her priorities right, it is not something that is unusual, you see it every day in just about every state, sometimes accidents happen, more often it is just a close call, and things return to normal, however in this case, something went wrong.

When you attempt to manipulate the legal system by over charging the case, in hopes of forcing a confession or in hopes of obtaining a plea deal, you can end up with the wrong result, the legal system was not meant to be tampered with in the way that the State of Florida did, and they are not the only ones, these days, it is not unusual for small crimes to be charged as a felony.

That is something that must stop, simply because it is not the way that the justice system was designed to work.

We must stop this playing around with charges, simply because we can, because it will destroy the legal system if it does not stop, this must end, this practice of the Distinct, Attorney manipulating the system in order to obtain a result they want.

It is wrong and it must stop.