Category: Barbara Wa Wa
Riots in Georgia?
What will happen tonight when they put what might well be an innocent man to death?
US credit rating
If someone were intentionally trying to destroy the credit rating of the US government, then would that not be an act of treason? Would it not be a severe issue that needed to be solved? The US credit rating could be downgraded on Monday or later in the week amid speculation that Washington does not…
Bill Hemmer liberal bias?
Is Bill Hemmer a liberally biased bobble head? Liberal Bias is it reporting or is it political nonsense. Update, again today, on Tue the 26th allegedly Bill Hemmer, showed his true colors by not challenging an obviously flawed commentary made by an alleged spin consultant, but what is the aim of Bill Hemmer, is he…
Obama to blame?
Is President Obama to blame for the problems that we have, well according to this email he is, and they say that he has threatened to veto a bill that might put Americans back to work, but is that really true? It seems like we have a problem and that for some reason the liberals…
floods create diasters
There are a lot of serious natural and some sadly man made flooding disasters that are happening in different parts of the US right now however many of the news companies are not covering these stories or they are not covering them very well at all. It is really a serious problem, in regard to…
Arnold, and the end of days movie.
With the prediction of the end of days, being the result of an elderly man who allegedly is likely senile, much of the media is contending in ways that would seem to be hostile to all Christians, which is sort of disappointing. Really I guess with everything that is going on in the world when…
Whoppi Race Card?
Well you just never know or do you, the idea is that everyone is a racist but in politics people are bound to disagree, is that not just part of what it means to be human, it is not always about race. So why is it so easy to do this?
Fox news gets it wrong?
Is Fox news a problem or are they just biased like all the others so called Journalistic media of the future? The question is a valid one, is it fair and balanced or is it just a particular viewpoint? I suppose if not for Fox news there would be no real news at all (allegedly)…
Washington wont honor budget deal?
Reports are coming in this morning that the Obama White house will not be honoring the Budget deal with congress. Which some say is no surprise, however, it is concerning that when men come together and shake hands and write on paper what they will do then later they decide that they will not abide…
Shut down Washington
Is it time to Shut them down and Vote them out of office? This is the time to figure out what the deal is… Time to figure out who is telling the truth and who is a liar… If this is not the hope and change you voted for it is time to vote them…