Category: anthony wiener

  • Turmoil in Washington?

    With the recent news that the Investigation into wrong doing concerning the email scandal involving the Clinton Campaign you might wonder what is going on with the Department of Justice. The appearance of impropriety is sobering. What kind of administration would be produced should Hillary become president. The truth is shocking and it is disturbing…

  • Pandering Political Pundits

    Pandering is not really a nice word but that does not seem to stop all of these so called Washington Insiders from constantly trying to defeat Donald Trump… That is really interesting because so far it has not worked well for them. (Many of them are now Former Politicians) When you hear the media crying…

  • Constitutional Freedom of the press

    What is happening in Washington. Can congress do anything at all?

  • The shell Game what it means to you.

    Looking Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors. For many years street hustlers have used a little known method of manipulation and slight of hand to visually distract the audience in such a way as to create an illusion that they can pick and choose what they see and believe. The sad truth is that our Media…

  • Is Debbie Wasserman a Liar?

    This is a news story that you will not hear on many radio shows or even TV shows, but are you not tired and sick unto death of Liars? Well here is proof, that you cannot tell a lie and get away with it yet for some reason people think its ok to lie about…

  • Dumb liberals

    Funny stuff here folks, just thought I would share this with you, this liberal send in an email and was complaining about what they think is a rant, funny because they obviously don’t know what a rant is. How to tell when you talking to a liberal… The easiest method of determining when you talking…