Category: acorn
God Save Arizona
Imagine for a moment if this were going on in China? What about Russia? North Korea? What you mean that they protect their borders? Really, they do? Yes, you just go and try to sneak into North Korea and see how many years you end up in prison, in fact you probably would never get…
Democrats loosing in the polls and november is coming…
Batman, is robin really running for congress? perhaps, and Yes, that is right and you know the liberals dont even know it, this nation was founded on common sense ideas. Yes, and guess what else, it is like your staring in a movie, the democrats are so disconnected from the rest of the world and…
American cowards?
this is what they think of you this is what they want, this is what they are. This should have been enough, to see what these people were up to, this is what they are just look at them and you will know them for who and what they are.
People of California you dont matter?
So the people of California have voted twice now, and twice we have one judge that has taken it upon themselves, to overturn the will of the people. NO one cares about millions of American Voters? This is Evil, it is the basis or a dictator, it is the most Machiavellian, despised juris prudence, I…
Amazing Video you will want to watch
Did you know that you could learn a lot about human nature, just by watching this video. Right now because it is more than interesting, it is vital. This will fly in the face of every thing you thought you knew… Do you know how human behavior works? What if, everyone, understood what this video…
America Deserves Better
We deserve better and you can help, Are you tired of politicians who dont care what you think? Are you sick of all the spin? Most of america is indeed tired of all the lies, All the lies? We are too.