Category: abc yellow journalism

  • gun rights insanity

    It would have been UN thinkable only a few years ago for anyone to attempt to take advantage of the grief and sorrow of a tragedy and horrible event where innocent men and woman lost their lives. However those that seek gun control apparently do not care about the loss of life and the horrible…

  • according to the media

    You hear the media using loaded words, you know like this example. “Considering the Challenges the Republicans face, is it wise to have so many candidates?” That is Bias, Its not reporting…

  • freedom of the press?

    Remember Superman, the alter ego of superman was Clark Kent, a Journalist, reporter.  In those days being a reporter meant something at least in the fictional world it did. Even some of the older black and white movies would show better reporting that happens today. Today things are very different, we have talking  heads that…

  • North Carolina race heats up

    The biggest races in the US senate contest may be in North Carolina. The most expensive election campaign in the history of North Carolina elections has been a huge contention among some voters.  source North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan is sitting on the most expensive hot seat in Senate history. Spending in her Senate race…

  • Ferguson riots

    In many ways the idea that America is about to change in significant ways is something that should disturb you greatly. We have a situation where the word of one of the alleged robbers of a convenience store has been put out as truth. We know that from the autopsy diagram it is more than…

  • #internet #freedom

    Ever just thought about what freedom is? I mean really consider, right now at this moment in time, what you are free to do. You could choose to go to a movie, buy popcorn and a coke and spend two hours watching a giant silver screen. You could choose to watch that same movie at…

  • Democracy?

    Perhaps you have heard some people talk about how were a democracy, but that is not the truth at all. Thomas Jefferson “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%” James Madison “Democracy was the right of the people to choose…

  • Obama Care is it Good or is it bad?

    Some people say that Obama care is good other say its bad. The truth is we may never know because some are saying that the Affordable Care Act, could cause the downfall of the American Way of Life.    Is Obama Care real or is it all just a scam?  If it is real where…

  • Florida once again makes error?

    The truth about the State of Florida, may cause you to be concerned about how the justice department is handled in floriduh. There have been several high profile cases where the state allegedly over charged the case with little or no direct evidence to prove the facts of the case. They wanted the Death Penalty…

  • workers comp corruption

    There are so many problems with workers comp insurance companies.