In many ways it is becoming clear that when given the opportunity to criticize President Trump this man will take that opportunity regardless of what the people of the United States want?
Why is this even happening?
Why have so many appointments not been made?
Why is the Senate not co-operating with the President?
There are so many questions that beg the idea is it time to stop supporting the GOP?
Should we abandon the GOP?
It really looks like they have abandoned us. Of the 197 Presidential nominations to agencies, the Senate has only confirmed 48
Here is the reply by a Veteran of the US Airforce.
“After all the times you’ve seen Antifa attack people who were peacefully demonstrating, how can you call them anything but what they are – domestic terrorists? The Nazi’s and KKK that marched in Charlottesville were abhorrent to every American that is a Patriot. However, the violence didn’t start until Antifa showed up to start it. This weekend in Berkley is a classic example of the MANY times Antifa has attacked conservatives. Why do you legitimize domestic terrorism by not calling it what it is?
“Also, sir, I would like to say that I am sorely disappointed in your lack of support for President Trump. While I applaud you efforts with healthcare reform, as paltry as they were, at least you did something, unlike Senator McConnell.
“There’s something you must understand, sir. President Trump started a movement that has become much larger than him. MAGA has taken hold of conservatives and pretty much anyone that is more center than anything. Take me, for instance. I am a registered Republican who tends to vote right of center, but after the appalling display of Republic ineptitude exhibited since the President’s inauguration, I’m more apt to vote independent. As a matter of fact, I and millions more would be thrilled if the President and his staunchest supporters founded a new party that represents the *actual values* that Republicans say they do.
“We are here sir, and we are watching you. Don’t think for a moment that we the people will continue to all you and your ilk to lie, cheat, and steal from us. We’re tired of it. We won’t take Antifa’s and the Alt-Left’s path and resort to violence. No. We’ll stop opening our wallets for your campaigns, and we’ll cast our cotes elsewhere. That’s what will really get our point across.
“MAGA is indeed bigger than the President, but we still love him and stand by him 100%. Donald Trump has become the champion of the people — people like me. And there are tens of millions of us. Tread carefully, Mr. Speaker.”
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Air Force Veteran!