Tag: vote
Bundy Ranch Standoff
What you might not see going on behind the scenes, is something that the Media may not be prepared to report on. We have a serious situation, where men and women are prepared to stand their ground. The truth about this situation is something that may never be reported in the news media. What really…
sebelius resigns
It could be said that not only was the Affordable Health Care Act a failure, but also those who were asked to implement the law were also failures. They failed to consider the fact that insurance companies would take advantage of the way the law was poorly structured. They failed to understand that we needed…
Bundy Ranch under Attack
What can we do about this before it runs into another Waco or Ruby Ridge? Why are they doing this? The only thing you can do right now to stop this is to Vote in November… Vote because Tyrants in office can only be removed by Voting them out. Watch the Video
Common Core Contraversy
Are you wondering just what the progressive agenda is and why it is so important to fix the problem? The truth is a serious issue that many people have come to understand is not the solution to America’s educational issues. Common Core is a progressive agenda machine…
Hillary for president?
Just wondering what is going on in the democrat party, I know they have tons of busses lined up and they have sent out postcards to all the graveyards in America so that the dead can vote in 2016. But there are four that will not be able to vote in 2016. To see the…
EPA troubles effect cost
The EPA, apparently has the ability to rewrite the constitution? Were wondering about it because it appears that congress has no oversight at all. Are they feckless cowards limited to holding a hearing that has no consequences? No wonder congress has such a low approval rating, they do nothing in the face of an out…
Too Busy to Vote…
Are you too busy to vote. If you are like many Americans who apparently do not really care about what is going on around them then you may be too busy to vote. This is becoming a serious problem, in fact in the last two elections a low percentage of people actually bothered to vote.…
Imagine politicians running for office and this is how they treat you? Its time to vote those people out of office. They have forgotten that they serve at the will of the people.
GOP problems keep on
The GOP appears to be in a tail spin more so when you consider the recent news that some powerful money people in the GOP are moving against some in their own party. Consider Peter King… Imagine if you had voted for this man in the past, what would you do now? Vote him out,…
educate your kids…
Yes, its amazing because when you fail to understand what you might loose by electing fools, then you may one day face the ignorance of your youth. You may think that this video is all about how uneducated people vote but it is more than that this is about the very real power that the…