Tag: Tax Increases

  • Stand firm, so say we all…

    Why should we remain true to the passions and the sacrifice of our fathers and those that came before?   Received an email (may not be the opinion of the owners of this website) (it may be too but hey thats what it is all about right) This may be one of the most important…

  • Debt ceiling madness

    It may seem hard to understand or even to believe. However we are facing a real crisis and this one has been coming for a long long time. Received in an email, (not necessarily the opinion of the owners of this website) Debt limit: More of the same? Tell Washington NO! Sign the petition: Any…

  • More hope and more change or just the same old thing?

    For 50 years, the Democrats have been telling the old folks, you know senior citizens that one day the Evil Republicans would one day cut their social security checks, but guess what it has happened two times and the democrats were in the White house, not the republicans. Do not fall for the same old…