Tag: Saving Money

  • Did David Axelrod just lie to the entire world?

    [kc_heading_pac_9_headline_4 size=”50″ color=”#5dac25″ ]Cutting Medicare..[/kc_heading_pac_9_headline_4]   LIARS IN OFFICE… Are you sick and tired of all the liars in office these days….??? Who is telling the truth because in a world where two people are saying very different things it is very rare to not have facts to be able to determine the truth of…

  • would you be willing to pay more taxes?

    If, and this is a big if, If, they could guarantee that the extra tax revenue would go to reduce the debt and secure the social security system for the futures of our children and beyond, I believe that a majority of Americans would in fact support a tax increase however so far we have…