If, and this is a big if,
If, they could guarantee that the extra tax revenue would go to reduce the debt and secure the social security system for the futures of our children and beyond, I believe that a majority of Americans would in fact support a tax increase however so far we have seen nothing to make us believe that they can do what they say they would do.
They make promises then get into office and then they conveniently forget they made the promise.
The facts are clear, most people would likely agree to pay more taxes if they knew that without fail that money would be used effectively to reduce our national debt, I suspect that there are a lot of people that would pay a great deal of money to help out our nation in its time of need, however without a fail-safe method of insuring that the money is not piffled, away as it has in the past, most people are not going to be OK with raising “TAXES” or “REVENUE” but and I really think this is accurate.
If it was put down in black and white, and under penalty of imprisonment, fines and jail time, (were one dime to go missing or be unaccounted for then most Americans would be for a tax increase) it is our way, to help out in times of need.
The thing is that we have not seen that level of assurance over the last 50 years, yes, that means that we have had many presidents that have failed to manage our debt effectivly.
However we do know a few things that will work, and we have seen it work in the past, so the only real way forward here it so do something great, and not a great bargain, but a great thing, something that the consitution would approve of doing, ballancing the budget, not on the backs of the people but by saving money that does not need to be piffiled away.
This can be done without threatning the old people or the halt and the lame, this can be done without threatning our brave soilders who wage war so that we may be free.
It is nonsense to threaten the old and the lame, and the sick and the blind and the disabled, that is horror and should not be.
Our nation has the resources, we have the intellect, we can manage our energy we can manage our resources so that we can pay our bills, we do not need this ignorance in our society.
- What we need, is a flat tax rate, (allowing for the poorest amoung us to be provided for)
- We need a ballanced budget amendment.
- We need, a modest TAX increase and a bill to keep congress from wasting our money.
- We need to take care of our old and our hurting people, and it can be done, we are not broke, but we have been acting stupidly.
- We need a capitol Tax holiday, to free up capitol, 30 days should do it.
- We, need to take back our nation from the FED…
- We need to work together so that our children may have the opprotunity to play together not be slaves together in the future, that is what we need, the only question that remains is do we have men on Capitol hill that will stand up for what is right?
That is what we need to do, it is so simple yet, our politicians are so concerned with loosing face, that they cannot find a way to work together, acting like children on a playground rather than working together, this includes the white house as well, because they have made mistakes here as well as anyone else.
I truly hope that we can find a way to emerge from this mess with the kind of back bone that our fathers and our grand fathers had when they faced down bullets on Omaha Beach, when they faced down evil and fought that we might have the freedom we have today, if we fail in this how many dead will have given their lives in vain?
Millions and millions of Men, Women, who gave everything so that we might be free, would have been silenced for no other reason than pride?
Are we so vain in our own minds that we cannot see the total ignorance and vanity of this behavior?
Stand tall because that is what is required, what if our grandfathers had not faced down evil in 1944 and 1945 would the world not be different today in a very horrible way?
If we allow American to fail, because we did not have the back bone to stand up against ignorance and opression then the voices of millions of slain Americans will cry out from the earth.
We simply cannot do less than those who gave everything so that we might have the chance to be free from ignorance.