Tag: Sacrifice

  • The End of America

         Are we about to face the end of American life as we once knew it… The time may be short when we are no longer allowed to voice our opinions as it is already in many foreign nations. The truth about our lives and those of our children might be very different just…

  • The Priority of the People

    Priority is a thing that must be developed and understood, in order to lead men must find the greater cause in life, beyond the petty bickering and name calling, the press conferences where men tell lies and pretend they are right when in reality they are wrong because they have the wrong priority. The only…

  • Stand firm, so say we all…

    Why should we remain true to the passions and the sacrifice of our fathers and those that came before?   Received an email (may not be the opinion of the owners of this website) (it may be too but hey thats what it is all about right) This may be one of the most important…

  • Our Fathers and Grand fathers

    Americans have died for the dream of what it means to be free, for many years this has happened. Many of us come from families that have sacrificed to serve this nation if not directly then by a family member, in fact many of these members gave all they had to this nation to support…

  • Selfish Republician canidates?

    Well, now we are starting to hear from candidates that are declaring they are running for president. On the republican side there are a lot of candidates, but most of them cannot win and they should know it too. On the democrat side they have only one candidate, the current President. It is possible in…