Tag: Rhetoric

  • The heart of an Evil man

      When you begin to consider all the issues of where this nation is headed over the course of a short time it is clear that something is happening that is not very good. Sounds bad, like a book about a very bad man, in some ways it is something that we have to look…

  • Angry Democrats?

    Is this the hope and the Change that you hoped you would see when you voted in 2008? Amazing stuff folks, when you see how angry these liberals are you have to wonder about how they can still be in office, because we have real problems, and the people are not the problem, you know…

  • Hope and change

    News just in, more hope and change or is it just all one big game… Wednesday, during a press conference Barack Obama told Americans he doesn’t have time for “silliness” and that and “we’ve got big problems to solve.” But in yet another example of his rhetoric differing from reality, he immediately left the White…

  • Sarah Palin

    This is an interesting publication that was emailed to me, it is published here in its entirety. By Dewie Whetsell, Alaskan Fisherman. As posted in comments on Greta’s article referencing the MOVEON ad about Sarah Palin. The last 45 of my 66 years I’ve spent in a commercial fishing town in Alaska . I understand…