Hope and change

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News just in, more hope and change or is it just all one big game…
Wednesday, during a press conference Barack Obama told Americans he doesn’t have time for “silliness” and that and “we’ve got big problems to solve.” But in yet another example of his rhetoric differing from reality, he immediately left the White House and spent the rest of his day filming an interview with Oprah in Chicago and raising an estimated two to three million dollars for his campaign coffers during a series of events in New York City.

I guess the problems he was referring to in his press conference have more to do with his sinking poll numbers and need for extra cash to spend on his reelection, because the silliest solution to our economic crisis is Barack Obama’s plan for tax hikes and increased debt.

While I agree that our country has big problems to solve, it is crystal clear Barack Obama isn’t working to solve these problems. In fact, his socialist policies are have created many of the problems we are dealing with today and seek to make our current set of economic challenges even worse.

I want to send Barack Obama a message that Americans want him to stop playing politics with his socialist agenda and get serious about solving our country’s economic challenges. Will you help me send this message by signing my “Conservative Economic Agenda” petition right now?

By signing our “Conservative Economic Agenda” petition, you will send a message that you stand for the following priorities for our country:

1. Don’t raise the debt ceiling
2. Lower gas prices
3. Stop out-of-control spending
4. Repeal Obamacare
5. Reduce the tax burden on all Americans

I hope you will join me by pledging your commitment to these priorities by following this link right away.Congress will be back in session early next week and we must send an immediate message to Barack Obama and Congressional leaders that we are serious about getting our economy back on track.

We are at the very beginning of what could be the most important election cycle of our lifetimes. We have the opportunity to enact an agenda of conservative economic principles, but I need to know you support this agenda. That’s why it is absolutely crucial for you to add your name to our petition before Congress comes back in to session next week.

After adding your name, I hope you will make a generous donation of $25, $50, $100 or more to help me take on Barack Obama’s socialist agenda and spread the word to millions more freedom loving Americans. We must work together to show Barack Obama our country can’t afford his plans for higher taxes, and $5 per gallon gasoline!

Please take a moment before you take off for the weekend to take action in support of a “Conservative Economic Agenda” by signing this petition. Thank you.


Michele Bachmann

P.S. Apparently Barack Obama thinks he can solve our country’s economic problems by appearing on Oprah and raising money for his reelection. I need your immediate help to send a message to Barack Obama and Congressional leaders that we support a conservative economic agenda. That’s why I’m asking you to sign this petition right away. After signing the petition, I ask that you give any amount to help me fight back against Obama’s socialist policies. Please act quickly- Congress is back in session next week and we have little time to send this message! Sign the petition right away.