Tag: Rand Paul
Rand Paul is he what America Needs…
You could say that Rand Paul is a good man… You could also say that he is serious about protecting America from those who do not respect the freedoms our nation has fought for over the last 200 Plus years. Many giving their lives in the process. For that Rand Paul deserves respect, but he…
Rand Paul too Radical?
Is Rand Paul Too Radical for a Presidential candidate? If you believe what you hear from a lot of sources, Rand Paul is as Radical as they get, but is that really true and is the media playing games with only some political candidates while giving others a pass on just about anything? The truth…
Rand Paul is he getting ready to run?
This is something that is very interesting, knowing in advance that we look at some of these things and have to understand that no all unions are bad…
Enslavement of the People
It has and will always be we the people, that is the basis of what we are and who we are. Recently this message was delivered. In less than 4 days, U.S. Senators return to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The show-down battle over our gun rights is upon us — things are heating up…
Rand Paul
Imagine for a moment that you liked the #SOTU speech last night and who would blame you it was a good one. But, if it real? Will it work? Can we put our trust in words or do Actions speak so much louder.
McCain Betrayed us?
Did John McCain end up doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, and did the media have everything to do with why we are in this mess now? John McCain, has been up in the Senate allegedly for far too long and he does not represent the values that America was born with,…
Shut it down?
Is this the End of Washington? Should we look for the sky to fall? Where is Chicken Little? So should we be worried, if you watch the news, you might have noticed the overly dramatic rendition of oh my chicken little the sky is falling, but seriously folks, this is not the first time that…