Tag: Puke

  • Did NPR break any Federal laws?

    Now this may not be popular but I can tell you one thing, this is evil, when they fired Juan Williams, they really made a serious mistake, plus accepting money from foreign contributors could be a federal crime? We want to know for sure, one thing remains clear, NPR is no longer a public radio…

  • Virginia AG rules Police can do thier jobs.

    Ok, so now you have it, the police are able to do their jobs, are you surprised, because if it were not true this country would degrade into evil and anarchy. Which demands an explanation from the white house as to why they are engaging in this unreasonable activity trying to work against the American…

  • Audit the FED?

    I submit that the oil leak, will be plugged before this happens, Will we fix the problem or stick our heads in the sand… Rasmussen reports that 80 percent of the People of the US say, do the right thing and edit the fed…. Should we audit the FED, well here is something that may…