Tag: promises
Too Busy to Vote…
Are you too busy to vote. If you are like many Americans who apparently do not really care about what is going on around them then you may be too busy to vote. This is becoming a serious problem, in fact in the last two elections a low percentage of people actually bothered to vote.…
Military Retired Pay Cut…
You think that when you give so much for your country that you can expect promises to be kept. You keep your promise to protect and defend the Constitution, sometimes you give more than what you expected to give. Some people give everything they have and even more… They give up their lives and their…
Insurance companies say No
Insurance companies have proven over and over again that they cannot be trusted to do the right thing when it comes to subscribers. They Deny, Delay and Defend. They refuse to do the right thing while spending money and paying outrageous salaries to the top executives all the while making promises they allegedly never intend…
man sues girlfriend for being dumped
Now this is a somewhat interesting situation, considering this happens probably a lot. Here is the basic information on this case and a few other cases that have been going through the courts both in the United States and in some other Nations. The base premise here is that the woman used the man for…
Will the Stock Market Crash?
Will the stock market crash now that we have a proven leader that will not work with the congress? It is possible but not likely and here is why, the stock market runs on greed, its sad but true, if 99 investors decide to move their money away from the market, (probably a good decision)…
Did Media Influence End Elections in America?
The truth about this very important issue could be that Corporate News Services have in fact carefully set about to influence and to undermine the American People while making Millions of dollars along the way. It is possible that because of the way that America has become so fragmented and divisive and derisive, that we…
Campaign Lies
Question, do you trust politicians or the president to tell the truth? In many ways, I think that we look at all of the campaign promises, we have not seen must in the way of truth from any politician over the last few years the real question is will that ever change or will the…
hope change transparent
Do we have hope, do we have change? Promises were made, were they kept. Do you believe that we are seeing truth or lies?