Question, do you trust politicians or the president
to tell the truth?In many ways, I think that we look at all of the campaign promises, we have not seen must in the way of truth from any politician over the last few years the real question is will that ever change or will the politicians and the president just keep on lying to us.
Are you sick of the lies?
When it comes to telling the truth are you tired of entertainment companies like fox news that represent themselves to be a news company but do not challenge or inspire the truth? When you consider this issue you have to ask the question, does fox news really present a fair and balanced news coverage. When you have a news company that “Claims to be fair and balanced does that not include challenging a Lie?”When someone says that for example, that the President is a liar and a cheat, you would expect someone to stand up and say you know what that is not right and I expect you to tell the audience what evidence that you have to support what you just said on this news show…
Now that is a challenge to a lie, but for some reason Fox news does not challenge liars on its news programs,
Why is that?
Does fox news believe the lies that are told by some of the bobble heads they have on the air?
Are producers, stupid?
Are they somehow mentally challenged and so are unable to form a sentence? When I see someone tell a lie, I challenge them about it, because an unchallenged lie is just the same as agreeing with the lie, so if that is true does fox news believe that bobble heads are unable to think?
Is fox news loosing its edge?
Are they lying about how many people watch Fox news?
Bill orielly claims that his show is rated higher than any other cable news station, including CNN and others, but when you see lies, and liars that go unchallenged, then does that make fox news an active participant in the lie?
Makes you wonder what the producers at fox news are thinking? Makes you wonder about all the advertising you see, you know I am really about sick to death of all the commercials about female urinal catheters…
I mean really, are there really that many of them out there, and do they really want to see their problems paraded on Fox news, but more importantly is the fact that you have to wonder, is this the best that Fox news can do?
You watch these Ambulance chasers, and the commercials, about bad drugs, is that really the best that fox news can do?
Think about that, I think someone needs a good Firing…
Campaign Lies
Ambulance, Audience, Bill Orielly, Bobble Heads, Cable News, cnn, Entertainment Companies, Fair And Balanced News, fox, fox news, Liar, liars, lies, News Company, News Show, News Station, Participant, Politician, Producers, promises, stupid, Telling The Truth, To Tell The Truth, trust, Trust Politicians