Tag: Pow

  • Was trump right?

    A few days ago, Donald Trump got into an argument with a reporter and the reporter thought that he had won the verbal exchange but what if Donald Trump was right… The topic was how much of a hero John McCain was and perhaps still is. Was John McCain a hero, sure anyone that survives…

  • White house SNAFU

    Watching some of the coverage by the “drive by” media you would think that the recent additional scandal of the so called POW exchange, it appears that some in the media are making statements about #swiftvoting, but that would seem to be a swift vote all on its own. They did not have a problem…

  • This Great Nation

      [kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1 size=”25″ color=”#cc0000″ ]Moss Back or Fresh you decide..[/kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1]   A nation is only as good as its people and those that stand up to lead in times of great crisis great leaders are not only needed but they are expected to do the right thing.  A great leader is a man or a woman…