Tag: Paperwork
Health Care Pain coming soon?
[kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1 size=”45″ color=”#cc0000″ ]Health Care Pain..[/kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1] Will we find soon that we are in for a rough ride with health care, will people with serious diseases be denied health care because others who are more deserving or more wealthy, might be provided life saving treatment. Imagine what would happen if they had to check…
Taxes taxes
Could it be that easy, fundamentally changing the Tax system, and eliminating the reams of paperwork required every year, I suspect you might save a nation of trees, by doing this. Yet, it seems as if the politicians do not want to do anything to change the way things are. If you think about it…
medicare health care rationing?
Some expensive drugs have been removed from the formulary, what if your life depends upon that drug, what will you do? This year the medicare open enrollment period has changed, which will lead to even more confusion to a confusing process. They cut Medicare in half, not legally but they allowed it to happen by…
hope and change
So how is that hope and change working out for you, with foreclosures at an all time high in fact so many foreclosures are now in process, that many banks have gone out of business, because they allegeldy could not keep up with all the paperwork, amazing I know but I wonder how this young…
Senate bill 978
Will we sit idly by and watch as Senators try to make felons out of our children? Vote them out of office, if they are not fit for office then they need to be voted out, when you talk about making it a crime to view content that someone else claims is copyrighted, (which by…