Tag: Men And Women
Memorial Day, Remembering those who have given all…
If you are enjoying a meal today, you owe it to men who sacrificed so that you could have the freedom to buy food… For many Americans today is a day that will be celebrated by cooking out, perhaps having family fun or even enjoying the company of friends. It means that for some of…
Supreme court Abuse
We see abuse everywhere sometimes it is about the way you are treated by another person… Sometimes it can be just about how someone talks to you… But 9 individuals are about to decide if we are going to remain a free nation or a slave nation where we are dictated to from everything about…
Olive Garden Anti American?
So what is this America or is this some foreign Banana Republic? So is olive garden anti American? That would seem to be a real concern, because we live in a free country simply because our fathers and our sons have given their service many their blood and their lives to defend the Flag. This…
2560 Cut Cap Ballance
Will we continue to be America the Beautiful or will we cease to be a nation of Free men and women? We have come to a cross roads and the decision is before us will we continue down the road to financial ruin or will This is what the American people really want and it…
The debt ceiling must not be lifted
WE must not lift the debt ceiling, period, if congress votes to lift the debt ceiling, then that is the end of America as a nation we will cease to be a nation. We will be a wholly owned citizen of China, period, Candidate Obama needs to understand this fact because our debt must be…