Tag: Many Men
Gay Scouts of America?
What Rights do you have? Will we give up everything, for nothing? As many of you will already know there is a non story that has been pushed by the National Media… It concerns the long standing policy and moral courage of an organization that fosters the family values of America. This organization…
Supreme court Arrogance…
Healthcare debates, health care decisions are going to be made that will effect your life and the lives of those you love… You know it is with great respect that men and women of all ages salute the Flag of the United States of America, for many years it has been what has kept…
Bin Laden said to have hide away
It is being reported that Bin Laden may have been hidden here for a long time, as usual the media has failed to cover this story from the perspective of what is really important. We have to ask why not, Why does the media not cover these stories, we are certainly not as smart as…
My own father was water boarded, many men have been water-boarded in the past and as a matter of fact men are still water boarded as a matter of training, in the event they are captured by the enemy to prepare them for what we know they will do. Another fact is that the US…