Tag: liberals

  • Liberals who think they are the only ones that can

    Think, well yes apparently liberals believe that they are the only ones that can see or think and because of that sad excuse for a lack of reasoning, they want to tell you what you can do. They want to tell you what you can say… What you can eat… What you can own… How…

  • Gun Grab making felons of every American?

     You might wonder about what nation you live in when you have people that run around trying to subvert the constitution at every available moment. Attempting to change what has made this nation great, trying to tell us that somehow our fathers who fought and died for this nation were wrong? Think about this for…

  • Should the Media be held responsible?

    The media this year have engaged in no less than a full on participant in this election process, from misleading the public, to manufacturing the news where there is no news, there has been spin, lies, libel, slander and many evil doings. Should the media be held to a higher bar than liars in prison?…

  • Obama Wins first Debate?

    Yes folks you heard it here first, President Obama has already won the first in a series of debates that is critical for Mitt Romney and the Tea Party to win, sadly they have already lost all of the debates. Why is that and how is it possible to know the future before it happens?…

  • Vote no matter what the media lies about next

    If you were a brain dead robot and you listened to what the media tell you… You would think that there is no need to have an election that Barack Obama, has already won and there is no need to leave your couch you can just sit there because its over. The media however are…

  • Clint Eastwood

       Last night an 82 year old man who has worked hard all of his life reminded us of something that we all knew but had some how forgotten. [kc_heading_pac_9_headline_sub_4 size=”50″ color=”#000000″ ]We Own This Country..[/kc_heading_pac_9_headline_sub_4]   Yes I know its a novel concept that apparently at least 20 percent of the population have a…

  • Tea Party Blues

     What will happen to America without true men who can tell no lie…   Ok for those of us that wonder about the tea party and its future here is an update.   Those who think the Tea Party is dead or gone “straight to hell” as Rep. Maxine Waters wanted were not with us…

  • Is Rachel Maddow Mad?

    You wonder sometimes about how a pundit thinks its a convoluted process more so with certain types of personalities. So is it true?   What is wrong with some of these strange people. Now if you want to actually listen to this speech then you can do that or you can keep on moving down…

  • Rick Perry Wins

    There are many reasons why Rick Perry is the leading candidate, but only one reason why the Liberals in the Biased news media are afraid of him….

  • Politics in the Media

    Is the media is biased to the point of treason? In many ways, the media has begun to take over the process of elections, that would seem to be an indication that there is a big problem in the media, from bias to outright liars, in some cases we have seen liberals talking about things…