Tag: Journalist
freedom of the press?
Remember Superman, the alter ego of superman was Clark Kent, a Journalist, reporter. In those days being a reporter meant something at least in the fictional world it did. Even some of the older black and white movies would show better reporting that happens today. Today things are very different, we have talking heads that…
free press no more?
Is this the end of the press as we know it or are we about to see what has happened in places where there is no more freedom of speech. These are the places where crime just happens and no one ever does anything to stop it. These are the towns where no one is…
The repeated LIES of the Biased Media…???
What happens when the media try to imply that a truth exists when in fact what they are saying could be viewed as a lie. You see as a Journalist they have a responsibility to do the right thing. They should not Mislead the American People because they are unableto present the unbiased truth. Why…