Tag: Guise

  • Gay Scouts of America?

       What Rights do you have?   Will we give up everything, for nothing?  As many of you will already know there is a non story that has been pushed by the National Media… It concerns the long standing policy and moral courage of an organization that fosters the family values of America.  This organization…

  • bloobBerg Mosque

    To the left of the end of the flat earth… The Earth is flat, right? You might wonder about that when you see the way the news is covered, so far off from what the reality actually is, you just have to wonder. Everyone can cover the Mosque in the news, but no one can…

  • Time Anti American?

    Is Time Anti American and if they are should they be allowed to tread on America, should they rather be asked to leave this nation if they do not like it here? Seems reasonable… When a company begins to be so unhappy with living in America perhaps its time for them to close their doors…

  • NPR sorry, really?

    Is NPR really sorry, I mean or are they sorry they did not wait, three weeks to do the same thing to Juan? Is this not like a snake lying to the mouse? Its like the Aesop Fable, no one really believes that stuff, but wow, I guess there is no end to how stupid…