Tag: Food Prices

  • Jobs and Lies

    Imagine what would happen if everything coming out of Washington DC were a lie… What would you do? How could you expect to have a future because everyone and I do mean everyone knows that lying does not lead to success for the middle class, we know it and everyone else does to… Mark Twain…

  • white house sues banks stock market crashes

    They say for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action… Make sense, sure, and why not, was it not one of the smartest men Albert Einstein, who developed that? Sure and it makes sense, wall street does not like it when they are treated like dogs, you know its true yet, what they…

  • High prices

    Just received this in an email, interesting fodder for the mill however, it is really interesting that there is so a difference in diesel prices, (which have a direct impact on food prices) $1,000 per year. That’s how much EXTRA you are coughing up as gas prices exceed $4 a gallon. Do you believe President…