Tag: Fiscal Sanity
Maxine Waters?
So this is the hope and the change that we voted for? If it is not then where is that leader? I am sad to say that I did vote for hope and change, but not the hope and change of only 10 percent of the American people, the other 90 percent of the American…
Angry Democrats?
Is this the hope and the Change that you hoped you would see when you voted in 2008? Amazing stuff folks, when you see how angry these liberals are you have to wonder about how they can still be in office, because we have real problems, and the people are not the problem, you know…
How often in the last three years have we seen what amounts to criminal behavior in Washington go without any action or even a report by the liberally biased, media? (allegedly) Amazing stuff folks, yes, it is not the accepted method of handling Americas business, the problem is that no where in the constitution, does…
Ballance the check book
Harry reid allegedly is not going to do the right thing for the American people. At a time that is critical in this nations history, we have liberals that do not care how much alleged damage they do to the economy. House Republicans’ ‘cut, cap and balance’ deficit reduction bill, has not been allowed an…