Tag: establishment
President prepares to Dictate…
What could possibly go wrong after all the president is doing what “HE” think’s is best for our nation… Are we on the edge of something big? Shouldnt we take a step back and count the cost. Cool Song… Kinda Katching on…. What if what one man thinks is not the truth for everyone else……
Tea Party alleges
The tea party is at it again and folks they have a good case there. Source. McDaniel has only 1,800 votes to go… That’s right, you, the Tea Party Leadership Fund, and over 25,000 fellow patriots helped convince McDaniel into his critical fight to expose the left’s fraud against conservatives. With evidence of more than…
Fire Karl Rove?
You might be thinking that perhaps Karl Rove who was once considered to be one of the smartest guys in the room, perhaps needs to retire. You might be right. There was a time when Karl Rove was on top of the world. Having thumped John Kerry, he became the darling of the Republican establishment…
the Myth of Seperation of Church and State
The American people have been lied to for many years… No where in the Constitution does it allow Christians to be persecuted like they are these days. No where in the Constitution does it allow Atheists to have a religion, (Atheism) protected by the Government, If a Cross represents and or depicts an establishment, of…
GOP Turn coats
Are politicians ruining the American Dream of prosperity for every day people? Will the GOP sell out the American people and if they do should they be voted out of office? Well if you were wondering if the Politicians in Washington would do the right thing, I hope you are not too disappointed, because apparently…
Does Time Magazine matter any more?
Un real is the only thing you can say about this kind of alleged stupidity. You may have already seen the provocative Time Magazine cover that shows our beloved Constitution being shredded with the caption “Does It Still Matter?” Our question is: "Does Time Magazine or any of the establishment media still matter?" The establishment…
Learning Math?
Received in an Email and unedited. Dear Tea Party Patriot, Today the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a troubling score of the Obama administration’s proposed budget. Obama claimed that his budget reduced the federal deficit by a trillion dollars, but the non-partisan CBO says that the administration’s estimate miscounted by more than $2 trillion. Sane…
This Should not Be, Send the GOP a message.
I have to just say that the GOP is just not my Party any Longer, because this is not right, so if you can help us send a message to the GOP and let them know that we will not put up with this kind of garbage. We saw this in the Alaska, Race, where…
Is the ACLU really all about preserving the American way or lack thereof? The idea that they always act in the right way is debatable, in fact much of what they have done over the last few years is subject to much debate. I used to think that the ACLU was a decent organization however…