Tag: Constitution Of The United States Of America
disarming America?
Are we going to really allow Sen Kerry, who recently allegedly signed an unconstitutional United Nations Gun Ban. So, what is the deal with this man who swore to defend and protect the constitution of the united states of america. Did he lie when he swore that Oath?
Citizens of America Speak Loud…
Everyone can hear the swell of the Freedom of Americans Voting people out of office that do not respect the constitution of the United States of America. It is clear that when it comes to the right of the citizens of America to defend themselves against those that would attack and murder their families that…
Rick Perry for President?
Can Rick Perry actually win a presidential race? Is Rick Perry just another politician? Can we really afford to have yet another politician in office when we really need a man or woman that is dedicated to restoring America to its former greatness? Is Rick Perry the right man for the job? In some ways…