Tag: Cnbc

  • Blaming Games

    It seems that some Reporters and indeed a lot of talking heads appear to still be attempting to blame Bush for everything they can think of when they have no real answer to a valid question. NBC Reporter Can’t Name ONE Country Obama Has Improved Relations With; Blames Bush Anyway source  It is amazing to…

  • News media biased on sestak

    So will this company be able to intimidate, the public, or will they allegedly be sued, who knows.. It is alleged that even fox news is not really covering this entire story, but one thing for sure this is not going away, why? Simple, it is called, BLAGO… Right now, the most transparent administration ever,…

  • Sestak offered job?

    Was sestak offered a job, was it not right? Was it wrong? With the blago trial beginning soon and really looking at this story and the blago story they are really similar… Is this a big deal, or is it just another, media hype, story… Was it a crime? Well it could be, but the…