Tag: boycott
Bored, Random, Black on White Crime?
There have been several high profile cases that the media have treated differently. Fair Reporting or Biased reporting… Or No reporting… We look at the news and it is difficult to understand what is going on when the media attempt to provide cover for what is a serious problem. More Law and Order Stupidity,…
SVU show Paula Deen
In what is likely the worst thing that SVU has ever done is a show featuring what is to be allegedly Paula Deen Murdering Trayvon Martin… Ask yourself this question how is this even something that would come into someones mind… How is it even possible. Boycott SVU advertisers on NBC…
SVU NBC Hate Machine?
Is Law and Order a Piece of Trash? Are they lost? Are they Stupid? Are they What, Insane? If you think this show is bad, just imagine the Idiots that advertise on these shows. Boycott NBC like this on Facebook…
Union Thugs?
Are they really doing this in the name of a union? Now you should understand that not all unions are this way, ok, there are some out there that have not refused to negociate there are some out there are are fair and they do great work for many people, not just unions members. It…
buy Cott
They are in the Minority, We are not, they think we depend upon them but the truth is they depend upon us… They are the leeches. Well perhaps you may have heard about how some people try to boycott a product, however, now there is a new term a buycott which means that you are…
Huckabee boycott of NPR?
In so many ways this news story is allegedly what NPR is all about how does that make you feel about an organization that takes your tax dollars and uses it to support the liberal alleged agenda. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says he will no longer appear on National Public Radio until the organization…