Tag: Benghazi

  • Benghazi the truth and the lies…

    You can see just how difficult it is with regard to having the media just lie and lie and spin to protect the democrats. Never forget about Behghazi ? Faulty Memory? Yet again we see over and over again how biased the media are about stories that they do not want you to see. Have…

  • Why Hillary will never be president…

    Is it true that Hillary Klinton may never become president? Probably true yes… You just have to wonder why anyone would even run for president, but then again this is America, most people would be able to run for president but should everyone be able to do so. . . This is scary stuff, If…

  • President Hillary?

    I have to wonder just how this woman could lead this nation… Seriously… If this were a republican presidential candidate the (LIBERAL) media would be demanding that the candidate step down.  They would have gone insane at the very thought that someone would dare to run for president with the blood of Americans on their…

  • Benghazi is over

    Is it as we have seen on TV where a Presidential candidate feigned arrogance and disdain for a congressional grilling to find out why Hilary Clinton (lied) to the American people on 911 when four brave Americans died. That should truly be enough to show just how un qualified this woman is to run for…

  • Nixon did not destroy Watergate Tapes.

    Imagine what the firestorm of media wailing and gnashing of teeth would have been like had Nixon destroyed the watergate tapes. Source…

  • Email Gate Clinton Scandal?

    Is Email Gate, a Scandal? Well, Yes, it is, not just because she broke the laws of the United States of America, but also because she destroyed Government property. She admits that she destroyed some 30,000 Emails. This is a huge problem, forget for a moment that it was illegal and unethical. WE can forgive…

  • Benghazi never forget

    We know that life is often filled with things that are not good, we sometimes face terrible even horrible situations which we cannot control. But this was different… This was preventable and this was treason… So when someone says at this point what difference does it make…  

  • Media Ignores Nixon impeachment?

    What if the media had ignored the Watergate scandal like they have done with Benghazi… Can you even imagine it now? What if Benghazi had happened when Bush was President? Would the media have ignored that news? No, they would not have done that at all.  Can we ever really trust the media again?

  • boxer says benghazi was a funding issue?

    Earlier there was mention made about how Benghazi was a problem to blame on Republicans because of funding cuts, but was that true? As it turned out it was not true, Americans are getting tired of Liars, in the two years leading up to the scandal and evil that created the possibility for Americans to…

  • Media Silent on Benghazi

    Is there a media blackout in place that is censoring the news to shield the White house from Glenn Beck says that large media companies are not being honest with the American Public. Your browser does not support iframes.