Tag: Balanced Budget Amendment

  • McCain Betrayed us?

    Did John McCain end up doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, and did the media have everything to do with why we are in this mess now?   John McCain, has been up in the Senate allegedly for far too long and he does not represent the values that America was born with,…

  • Angry Democrats?

    Is this the hope and the Change that you hoped you would see when you voted in 2008? Amazing stuff folks, when you see how angry these liberals are you have to wonder about how they can still be in office, because we have real problems, and the people are not the problem, you know…

  • Is it too late?

    Would it have mattered if the Senate had passed, the right bill for the American people? Could the Senate pass Cut cap and balance and reverse this madness that we find ourselves in now?  Are we about to see history repeat and is this our Great Depression? This just in, received in an Email today,…

  • US Credit Rating now AA

    The handwriting is on the wall now, and if congress and the White-house do not take some action to get a flat tax in place, a capitol gains holiday to those individuals that hire and start a new business, (creating more jobs)  then the stock market will crash to what some are predicting will be…

  • the President is right

    As much as it Pains me to say this, the debt has gone too far to be able to manage it with cuts alone. We are going to have to raise taxes, so on that issue the President is right, however everyone is going to have to “chip in” as the President also said, we…

  • Ballance the check book

    Harry reid allegedly is not going to do the right thing for the American people. At a time that is critical in this nations history, we have liberals that do not care how much alleged damage they do to the economy. House Republicans’ ‘cut, cap and balance’ deficit reduction bill, has not been allowed an…

  • Flat Tax

    Can a flat tax repair the economy and get millions of Americans back to work? That may be very accurate, so why not do it?  Will a flat tax really work to bring in more revenue? I truly hope that the democrats do not figure this out because the only way that President Obama gets…

  • Cut Cap Ballance…

    Can it be done, or is it just a dream that politicians might one day stand up like men instead of weeping and crying like children. Cut, Cap, and Balance 103 House Republicans sent a letter to House Republican leadership calling for a solution that could resolve the current debt limit impasse and prevent the bigger, Greece-like debt crisis…

  • Fox news liars?

    Is fox news lying to the American people on purpose or are they allegedly just that stupid? I am really curious about this because it is something that effects everyone. The news story on the Debt Crisis, it is not hard to figure out at all, cut out wasteful spending, and yes, we need a…

  • betrayed by the GOP?

    Are we being betrayed by the GOP at large? One day after millions of Americans lost money on the Stock Exchange, the republicans are rolling over like a puppy at the feet of evil men who wish to allegedly spend us into oblivion and into slavery? Is this the one lone voice of reason? source…