Ok, so right now your wondering what in the heck these people are doing talking about how the sequester is going to end the world as we know it right.
[kc_heading_pac_9_headline_sub_4 size=”50″ color=”#000000″ ]Bull Pucky…[/kc_heading_pac_9_headline_sub_4]
How about this it turns out the someone is responsible for spending $880,000.00 to study Snail Relations.
You heard that right and yes it is amazing.
source joemiller.us
The National Science Foundation awarded a grant for $876,752 to the University of Iowa to study whether there is any benefit to sex among New Zealand mud snails and whether that explains why any organism has sex.
The study, first funded in 2011 and continuing until 2015, will study the New Zealand snails to see if it is better that they reproduce sexually or asexually – the snail can do both – hoping to gain insight on why so many organisms practice sexual reproduction.