Today I witnessed something incredible…
I saw facebook attempting to censor (allegedly) a post which demonstrates what is wrong with social media…
Recently Attorney Generals from several states call for an investigation into facebook including Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, and the District of Columbia.
This is a problem because facebook is in a position to lie to everyone about everything they do not like…
What is wrong with the truth?
Why is it that facebook has a problem with the truth?
Take this example …

When you see an image like this one you wonder what is going on?
Why is facebook doing this?
What is the agenda?
Why is it that facebook believes that this image is a problem?
The title says that the image shown may contain cruel or insensitive content. Cruel to whom? Insensitive to whom? Think about that for a moment. You can see things on facebook that would make a billy goat puke. There are things shown on facebook that are truly repulsive in every conceivable manner but they are not hidden and they do not have to be UNCOVERED…
It would appear that the truth here is one that is not convenient…
Here is the image that facebook says may be cruel or insensitive.

When you see a problem you have to address it and facebook is a problem not just because they have a different definition about the world but because they appear to want to change reality so that you think the same way that they think…
When you seek to deny the truth in favor of lies and evil humanity is lost and inhumanity becomes what you fear…