Category: government shut down

  • Democrats shut down government?

    Did we just watch the Senate controlled by the Democrats, (AKA harry reid, ) failed to pass a huge over blown spending bill, now you might wonder what is going on… Its amazing, this deal should not have passed the house, but because the democrats tried to set up the republicans by proposing a bill…

  • North Carolina race heats up

    The biggest races in the US senate contest may be in North Carolina. The most expensive election campaign in the history of North Carolina elections has been a huge contention among some voters.  source North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan is sitting on the most expensive hot seat in Senate history. Spending in her Senate race…

  • Media Bias

    The Media does not like the tea party, no surprise there as it has long been established that the media is not really that impartial in its reporting of the news, however it begs the question that should be something everyone is talking about, which is how can the media only present one side of…

  • Government shut down

    The Government shut down could save the tax payers, 5.6 Trillion dollars and save America, what do you think Americans want to do? Shut it Down, when men of Good Conscience, cannot do the will of the people in hard times, they should step aside and resign, America is more than just one man it…

  • Gop Caves?

    Will the GOP cave in to the demands of the liberals who only represent 8 percent of the American people? If that is what the GOP is all about then I no longer want to be associated with the Republican Party I am sick of spineless sniveling whining democrats and republicans in Washington selling us…

  • Aborton Funding?

    Is that what happened? Are the democrats really threatening to shut down the government because they cannot stop wasting money. It is really crazy, you know funding NPR which only represents 8 percent of the view of the American people. Funding Planned Parent hood, which allegedly supports and makes arrangements with doctors to terminate the…