Category: democratic liars

  • Georgia ready to seize guns

    In a little known news item that is picking up steam is several Democrats, AKA, The bill–HB 731–is sponsored by Mary Margaret Oliver (D-83rd), Stacey Abrams (D-89th), Carolyn Hugley (D-136th), Pat Gardiner (D-57th), Dar’shun Kendrick (D-93rd), Dee Dawkins-Haigler (D-91st). HB 731 on its face is just insane. Why not pass a law that forbids Gangs…

  • gun rights insanity

    It would have been UN thinkable only a few years ago for anyone to attempt to take advantage of the grief and sorrow of a tragedy and horrible event where innocent men and woman lost their lives. However those that seek gun control apparently do not care about the loss of life and the horrible…

  • Election Fraud on the rise

    Voting machines that switch votes? Hundreds of thousands of ballots? More voters than residents in towns? Once again we see many of the bad behaviors that have plagued US elections for many years including the dead rising to vote. Incentives voting,  There are always a few situations where fraud rises up to create a problem…

  • Harry Reid forgets?

    Recently Harry made the news when he attempted to tell the entire world that everyone that said they experienced Obama Care problems were Liars.  Why do we have these people in office, they would likely be happier in a home anyway, so why do they just keep on, when they so long ago stopped representing…

  • What if Snowden were Black?

     Imagine for a moment if Snowden were a Black man? Would the media be as interested in this story? We would like to think so… But would we even be reading this news story right now? The idea that the media would not be as interested in this news story if the person were of…

  • S $ P Fights back?

    In a move that is sure to draw more criticism, from Advocates of the Don’t Ask Don’t tell spending policy of the US at least the last three years or so, )  Standard and Poors, or should that be Poor, US, not sure which but one thing seems clear the criticism, of the Credit rating…

  • Media Bias

    The Media does not like the tea party, no surprise there as it has long been established that the media is not really that impartial in its reporting of the news, however it begs the question that should be something everyone is talking about, which is how can the media only present one side of…

  • crazy liberals

    less than 12 percent of the population believes in the kind of weirdness that these loons believe in they are not representative of what America is. They want you to believe that they are smart but when you look at what they really do you can see that they are not at all allegedly smart.

  • CNN Goofed it up?

    Did CNN miss the boat? Did they make a huge mistake? Did they show just how allegedly ignorant they really are? Is CNN stupid or is it just the people that work there? Amazing stuff folks, you just cannot make this kind of thing up.