Tag: Welfare
water boarding?
In a perfect world, there would be no evil, never would the rain fall during a parade. In a perfect world the world would be friendly and men would all be friends, we would all just get along… But the truth is that we do not live in that perfect world that so many people…
The Priority of the People
Priority is a thing that must be developed and understood, in order to lead men must find the greater cause in life, beyond the petty bickering and name calling, the press conferences where men tell lies and pretend they are right when in reality they are wrong because they have the wrong priority. The only…
Good news the world did not end…
Well I got up this morning and there were people going to Mcdonalds, people driving their cars to work, looked like to me that the world did not end, as the media was spinning it, the world was going to end, I wonder what happened, Oh, I know nothing, nothing changed, all they agreed to…