Tag: Veto

  • Keystone pipeline

    Can the republicans pass the keystone pipeline? Yes they can… But as most know the President is planning on a Veto in order to satisfy the very smallest voting block the extreme left. Now this might seem a little strange and most politicians would agree however it seems clear that this administration is extreme in…

  • Veto power in the White House

    The Veto has been a power that has been used from time to time it is a political land mine and can create some serious problems for a political party.  In the past it has been used sparingly, but never has it been used as an ideological tool.  The idea that a political party would…

  • 2560 Cut Cap Ballance

    Will we continue to be America the Beautiful or will we cease to be a nation of Free men and women? We have come to a cross roads and the decision is before us will we continue down the road to financial ruin or will This is what the American people really want and it…

  • Veto in Washington?

    Will the Democrats sell out there only chance to win re-election by staging a Government shut down which is what will happen if they veto this bill, and more than that, will that spell the end of now President Obama’s chances to be elected as president again? A mechanism for funding the Government and also…