Tag: Telling Lies

  • Do what I say and not what I do…

    Its amazing I know but to be sure the truth about human behavior is not that difficult to figure out.  This is the case with many of the more modern and some of the past failures of predictive modeling for what we think is true. When you try to influence human behavior by telling lies,…

  • Media Lies Media evil?

    [kc_heading_pac_9_headline_4 size=”40″ color=”#5dac25″ ]Are they sick and twisted..[/kc_heading_pac_9_headline_4]   Can anyone, beat both the media and a political opponent and is that fair? Can we expect to have fair elections and more importantly can we expect to find methods that make sense in this brave new worldwhere the media have apparently gone to supporting only…

  • weiner twitter pics

    This is really a damaging story on this issue, in a new conference, that was not managed well only one half of the conversation was available.  There are photos out there that are purported to be Anthony Weiner, however, it is unproven and as much as we would like to publish these photographs we do…

  • Huffington Bans comments that are not liberal enough?

    Ill Huff and Ill Puff and Ill get mad and take my ball home… Ok, now what is up with this allegedly, if you look on the tree huggington post, Opps, did I get that wrong, excuse me, thats huffington post, (allegedly) you will see nothing but liberal comments. If you dare to descent, you…